Take Control Of Your Time

Jun 27, 2023

No matter how new or experienced you are in your business, you've probably struggled with figuring out how to take control of your time. It's common for women entrepreneurs to unintentionally waste hours on unproductive activities that don't contribute to the progress of their business.


One reason for this is that many women in business don't know exactly what to do with their time. As a result, they end up focusing on tasks they're already familiar with or comfortable doing. They may also spend time on busywork that makes them feel productive but doesn't generate significant income.


Fear is another underlying reason. Women are afraid of upsetting others, disappointing loved ones, or appearing too focused on success at the expense of relationships. Instead of prioritizing their business growth, they prioritize meeting everyone else's needs.


Taking control of your time also means challenging deeply ingrained beliefs about how women should always be "nice" or...

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