Money Mindset Matters

May 09, 2023

As a money mindset coach for women entrepreneurs, I know firsthand the impact that one's money mindset can have on their success. A poor mindset, filled with limiting beliefs and negative thoughts, can lead to a number of issues that hinder one's ability to achieve their goals.

These issues include:

  • Less happiness and passion: When you're bogged down by all the steps you think you need to take before pursuing your true passion, you may never actually take the leap. This can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and unfulfillment.

  • Less confidence in your skills: If you don't believe in your own abilities, you're unlikely to put yourself out there and take risks that could lead to success.

  • Inability to make logical money-based decisions: Fear and poor past experiences can cloud your judgment, making it difficult to make smart financial decisions for your business.

  • Problems repeating success: Even if you do experience success, if you don't address your mindset issues, you may...

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Happiness - A Conscious Focus

Dec 01, 2020

I’m going to let you in on a little secret I learned years ago that has served me well. What you focus on comes to pass. When you practice gratitude you are training your mind to be more positive and this has some interesting physical implications. Practicing gratitude and positive thinking directly affects your brain chemistry. That’s right, by focusing on gratitude and happiness; you control the release of certain chemicals and neurotransmitters that influence how you feel both physically and mentally. Let’s take a look at how that works.


More Feel Good Hormones


Focusing on happiness and gratitude leads to the release of two “feel good” hormones - dopamine and serotonin. These two neurotransmitters are responsible for those fuzzy warm feelings. Yes, there are other ways to get them like exercise and chocolate for example. But who wouldn’t want to increase these powerful antidepressants with something as simple as giving and...

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