Could Limiting Beliefs About Money Be Keeping You Broke?

Oct 17, 2022

Limiting beliefs are false beliefs about yourself, other people, or the world that you hold in your unconscious and believe to be true. They can cause all sorts of negative consequences in your life, from keeping you from finding a romantic partner to failing in your career. But did you know that you could have financial problems because you hold limiting beliefs about money?


It’s common for people to have limiting beliefs around money, believe it or not. It’s such an important part of our society that it’s no wonder some people develop issues with it. You’re most likely to have these beliefs if you grow up in a household where money was tight or with parents who frequently argued about money, but anyone can have them.


The negative consequences of holding limiting beliefs around money include lack of financial stability, large amounts of debt, the inability to pay basic bills and buy necessities, earning beneath your potential, and of always...

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What is a Limiting Belief?

Sep 19, 2022

A limiting belief is something that your unconscious mind believes about yourself, other people, or the world. These beliefs hold you back from accomplishing your goals because you believe them, but guess what? They aren’t objectively true. That’s one of the hallmarks of a limiting belief.


Here’s an example. Let’s say you believe you’re bad at math, but you want to go to college and major in something that requires a lot of math. Are you bad at math? Probably not; most people can learn to do basic math well and the majority can also learn to do higher-order math if they apply themselves. But because you believe you’re bad at math, you have trouble mastering the math skills required for your program. This is a classic example of a limiting belief.


Other common examples abound. The fear of failure is a common limiting belief that leads people to avoid following their dreams because they don’t want to fail. Many people have the...

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