Money Mindset Matters

May 09, 2023

As a money mindset coach for women entrepreneurs, I know firsthand the impact that one's money mindset can have on their success. A poor mindset, filled with limiting beliefs and negative thoughts, can lead to a number of issues that hinder one's ability to achieve their goals.

These issues include:

  • Less happiness and passion: When you're bogged down by all the steps you think you need to take before pursuing your true passion, you may never actually take the leap. This can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and unfulfillment.

  • Less confidence in your skills: If you don't believe in your own abilities, you're unlikely to put yourself out there and take risks that could lead to success.

  • Inability to make logical money-based decisions: Fear and poor past experiences can cloud your judgment, making it difficult to make smart financial decisions for your business.

  • Problems repeating success: Even if you do experience success, if you don't address your mindset issues, you may...

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Efficiency is the Key to a Stress-Free Business

Mar 22, 2021

Who doesn’t love automation? Shopping carts and membership sites automate your sales and content delivery. Email autoresponders automate relationship building. And calendar apps automate your schedule, putting an end to the frustrating back and forth of setting appointments.

Not only does automation save you time, but it helps ensure quality and consistency as well. Just imagine how confusing it would be to your customers if you didn’t have a shopping cart, but instead sent them an invoice for every purchase, and each invoice was a different cost. Or what if your 16-week group coaching course sometimes arrived by email, and sometimes in your Facebook group, and sometimes not at all?

Now these might seem like silly, over-the-top examples, but this is why automation tools exist—to keep everything running smoothly and as expected.

Can you automate everything? No. But you can implement this same level of efficiency and consistency by creating systems and workflows.


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