How to Overcome Undercharging and Burnout as a Woman Entrepreneur

Apr 23, 2024

As women entrepreneurs, our empathy often drives us to put others' needs before our own, sometimes to the detriment of our businesses and well-being. This pattern of undercharging for our services and overworking ourselves can lead to a vicious cycle known as "the churn." In this blog post, we'll explore why women entrepreneurs commonly fall into this trap and, most importantly, how to break free from it.

Picture this: you pour your heart and soul into your business, offering valuable services to your clients. Yet, when it comes to setting your fees, you hesitate. You worry about how your prices will impact your clients and whether you're truly worth what you want to charge. This hesitancy often results in undercharging, leaving you working tirelessly for little return—a phenomenon aptly named "the churn."

As women, we're often raised to be nurturing and accommodating, traits that serve us well in many aspects of life. However, in the business world, they can lead us to...

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The Power of Daily Affirmations: Building a Positive Mindset for Financial Success

Feb 06, 2024

In the journey towards business success, the power of mindset cannot be overstated. A positive mindset serves as the cornerstone for achieving our goals and navigating challenges with resilience. One powerful practice that contributes to cultivating a positive mindset is daily affirmations. In this blog post, we'll delve into the significance of daily affirmations, how to effectively incorporate them into your routine, and the profound impact they can have on your journey towards business success.

Crafting Affirmations: Personalization is key when crafting affirmations. Tailor them to resonate with your specific goals and aspirations, ensuring that they feel authentic and aligned with your values. Frame affirmations in a positive and present tense to create a constructive mindset that fosters belief in your ability to achieve your goals.

Consistent Repetition: Consistency is key when it comes to reaping the benefits of daily affirmations. Make them a part of your daily...

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Reframing Limiting Beliefs

Nov 14, 2022

You’ve recognized that you have limiting beliefs and decided to overcome them. You’ve identified your limiting beliefs. What now? The next step is to reframe your limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs. You don’t have to work on all of your limiting beliefs at once; if you have identified several, it’s better to start with only one or a handful of them. Select one or more before you move on.


The Framing of Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs can be identified by their framing, that is, how the belief statement is constructed. The sentence structure tells you what type of belief it is. All limiting beliefs start with something like the following:

“I can’t…”

“I don’t…”

“I could never…”

“I’m not…”

“It’s always been this way.”

These statements are disempowering; they take away your agency and make it seem like things can’t be changed or...

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The Danger of Bootstrapping Your Online Business

Nov 09, 2021

Creating a new business from scratch online is not expensive. Almost anyone can start a blogging business, for example, with about 150 bucks – depending on whether you need a business license or not. But the blog site will cost you about 20 bucks for hosting plus the domain name to get started. That’s really nothing in the scheme of things if you think about it. That’s why most people who start an online business bootstrap it.

Bootstrapping a business means that you don’t get a loan and just use some extra money out of pocket to get the business started. As soon as possible, you use only the money you’re bringing in from the business to run the business. It’s a great way to start an online business. But, it’s easy to get into a rut of not investing enough money in your business when you are bootstrapping it.

The best thing you can do though, especially when bootstrapping, is to put all the money back into your business as soon as possible....

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Why Does Money mindset matter in Business

Oct 11, 2021

Money mindset makes a huge difference in how a person reaches and handles success.

If you have a poor mindset and fill your thoughts with limiting ideas, you may experience:

  • Less happiness and passion – You may only dabble in the niche you really love that lights you up because you are too busy doing things to get ready to do the thing that you’re passionate about. You know the trap. You have to figure out each step of the process and you feel like you have to do it all yourself - when you really don’t.
  • Less confidence in your skills – Because you don’t expect to succeed, you lack confidence in your abilities and skills. You don’t feel as if you deserve success, so you don’t experience it.
  • Inability to make logical money-based decisions – When it comes to money, due to all your fears surrounding money, and all the poor life lessons you’ve had your entire life regarding money, you find it stressful and hard to make choices and...
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