Reframing Limiting Beliefs

Nov 14, 2022

You’ve recognized that you have limiting beliefs and decided to overcome them. You’ve identified your limiting beliefs. What now? The next step is to reframe your limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs. You don’t have to work on all of your limiting beliefs at once; if you have identified several, it’s better to start with only one or a handful of them. Select one or more before you move on.


The Framing of Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs can be identified by their framing, that is, how the belief statement is constructed. The sentence structure tells you what type of belief it is. All limiting beliefs start with something like the following:

“I can’t…”

“I don’t…”

“I could never…”

“I’m not…”

“It’s always been this way.”

These statements are disempowering; they take away your agency and make it seem like things can’t be changed or...

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5 Characteristics of a Growth Mindset

Oct 24, 2022

A growth mindset believes that while people may receive certain tendencies through genetics or upbringing, everything is subject to change with experience and practice. A growth mindset has many positive characteristics. Here are the top five.


1.) Believing in Oneself

People with a growth mindset believe in themselves, their abilities, and the things they can do more than those with a fixed mindset. This enhanced self-confidence usually leads to more success in every aspect of life. People with a growth mindset are more likely to try new things and take calculated risks than their counterparts with a fixed mindset.


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2.) A Passion for Learning

A growth mindset leads naturally to a lifelong passion for learning. Those with a growth mindset love to learn new things. They cultivate new skills throughout their lifespan....

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Hazards of a Lack Mentality

May 16, 2022

Shifting your mindset from a lack mentality to a wealth mentality can feel overwhelming. Generally, people change their behavior when the pain of staying the same is worse than the pain of doing something new. Until then, they go about life doing what they have always done, hoping for different results.


Everyone has that one thing that causes them to change. Whether it is an aha moment or witnessing or experiencing something that makes change necessary. One man’s trigger point is another man’s normal, but we can identify hazards of a lack mentality that might spark the desire for change.


Hazard #1. A lack mentality causes depression. If you have lived with a lack mindset believing that working hard is the only way to wealth, you may be experiencing depression. Chances are you are working harder than most, and you may not be seeing the conversion of work to income. You may also be making money but working so hard that your family barely sees you and you sort...

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