Examples of Wealth That Aren’t Money Related

May 09, 2022

A wealth mindset isn’t just about money. As a matter-of-fact, most wealth has nothing to do with money at all. Money is a by-product of a wealth mindset. The wealth mindset encompasses every aspect of life - health, relationships, and your overall attitude about people in general.


Let’s look at some examples of wealth that aren’t money related:


A loving family- Having a family who loves you and chooses to spend time with you when there are a million other options is a true testimony to the wealth you have created.


A healthy, functioning body- If you are fit, have excellent mobility, and enjoy an outdoor lifestyle, you are wealthy. Making the choices to eat well, exercise regularly, and be in nature are all examples of making good investments. Just like your money, making smart moves with your health reaps great returns.


High-functioning relationships- If you have friends you can count on and have healthy relationships with people in your...

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