Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting A Home-Based Business

You're ready to get out of the corporate grind and start a business from home. You want to help people and have freedom and flexibility in the process.

You're ready to take the leap and make the dream a reality.

And it can be if you do it correctly. Here are three mistakes to avoid as your start your own business.

  1. Find Clients, Not Jobs

When you decide to become a service provider, you need to think like a business-owner, not an employee.  

It’s tempting to take on part-time or freelance “gigs” where the client is dictating your pay and your working hours. By doing that, you have basically traded one job for another.

Whatever you do, set your rates, set your boundaries (aka work hours) and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’s okay to negotiate, just make sure you are not settling and always stay in control of your decisions.

As tempting as it may be when starting out, be selective about your clients. Only work with people who respect your rates, your time and your work. And remember, you are a business owner, not an employee.

Have confidence in who you are and what you do.  Think like a business owner, not an employee.

  1. Provide a Service You Enjoy

Just because you know graphic design, or how to cut hair or how to crunch numbers doesn’t mean you have to do it for a living.

You should love what you’re providing. Life is short. Don’t mess with a business that will make you unhappy. Find the intersection between what you love and what people need, then go for it.

Providing a service you don’t enjoy just so you can have your own business will eventually burn you out and cause stress. You don’t have to love every aspect of what you do, but you do want to enjoy what you do overall.

Running a business can be hard. If you aren’t enjoying what you do, then it’s going to be that much harder to get through the rough patches.


  1. Have A Plan

Give yourself a runway to get your business off the ground. Your new business probably won’t take off overnight, but with a little planning you will give yourself a better chance for success.

It will take time to get the right clients and projects. It may take some trial and error. That’s okay! Have your goals written down so you can refer to them when things feel tough.

Don’t act hastily and take on the wrong type of clients out of desperation. Think through what you want and formulate a plan to make that happen.

Your business should make you beam with happiness. Yes, there will be rough spots, and it won't always be unicorns and rainbows, but your passion for what you do will get you through those times.

Make a plan and create a strategy, then go for the clients that you can serve best while shining your best light.


 I can help you find a business that aligns with you. Check my planner "Create your Ideal Business" here:


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