8 Effective Ways to Grow An Email List

Uncategorized May 11, 2021

If you’re just starting your blog or online business, then you are probably aware that one of the first things you want to do is build your email list. Your email list is extremely valuable, and you want to take very good care of it.

But first, you need to build it. And that takes consistent action, valuable content aimed at a particular group of people – or niche, and a compelling reason for people to join your list (your opt-in offers).

There are some creative things you can do to jumpstart your list-building efforts besides the typical regular blog post. Here are 10 ideas to help you get your list-building juices flowing.

  1. Lead Magnets

Offering a lead magnet with every blog post is a great way to build your list. It requires a little extra work, but the payoff will be huge if your lead magnets are valuable to your readers.

A lead magnet is a giveaway that your readers will have to opt-in to your email list for in order to receive. It can be a checklist, printable, report, recipe or eBook.

  1. Free Webinar

Offer a free webinar on a hot topic that your ideal audience would be interested in. Use Facebook and other social media to promote (make sure people opt-in to get access!). If you have some budget, run Facebook ads to drive traffic to your webinar opt-in page.

A free webinar can really grow your list if you partner with someone who has bigger reach than you currently have. Get creative. Who could you partner with to do a training on your topic?

  1. Joint giveaway

A joint giveaway is great if you can partner with several other businesses or blogs who have a bigger, yet similar audience. Each business offers a free product or service as part of the giveaway “package”. With each of you promoting the giveaway on social media, you’ll gain more exposure to more of your potential tribe members.

  1. Guest posting

Yes, guest posting is still a good idea, but only if you find blogs with lots of relevant traffic. Make sure you can include a link back to your site (preferably a special offer on an opt-in page).

  1. Expert interviews

Step into your expert status by finding influential people to interview you on their blogs or podcastMake sure their audience is your ideal audience.

  1. Conduct a 30-day challenge

Have people opt-in to a 30 (or 10 or 14 or 20) day challenge on a topic that fits your audience. What does your audience want to achieve in a short timeframe? Guide them through making it happen and watch your tribe grow. Make sure they opt-in to join the challenge and encourage sharing the challenge on social media.

  1. Be a contributing writer

Offer up custom articles to larger media sites or blogs that have authority. Include a link to your opt-in page in your author bio (if allowed). Write something awesome.

  1. Comment on other high-traffic blogs

Be part of the conversation happening on other, relevant, yet high traffic, blogs. Always use your website when registering to make a comment on a blog, and only comment if you can offer something of value to the conversation.



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